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Brick Ends Farm Compost - per yard (STOCKED IN GLOUCESTER)

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  • Using their proprietary blend of feedstocks, Brick Ends Farm is able to produce high-quality compost that is rich in both active and dormant biological life. One of the characteristics of good compost is retained nitrogen. The major portion of the nitrogen in their product is in the organic form which is broken down little by little over the course of 10 to 12 months. There is also a modest percentage of nitrogen that is in a plant-available form and is ready for immediate uptake by the plant.

  • Brick Ends Farm compost consistently averages between 40% and 45% organic matter. Their 3/8-inch compost is perfect for soil incorporation, general top dressing of turf, or as a mulching material. 

  • View our Materials Calculator to calculate how much you need.

Please note we can only deliver one bulk product at a time. If you would like to order more than one product, please make separate orders for them. Thank you for understanding!

1. Only One Bulk Material at a time

Please note we can only deliver one bulk product at a time. If you would like to order more than one product, please make separate orders for them. Thank you for understanding!

2. Physical Marker Required

When at checkout: For delivery please identify a physical marker (tarp, cone, trash can, char, etc.) and leave out physical marker for our delivery driver.

    Brick Ends Farm Compost - per yard (STOCKED IN GLOUCESTER)


    Does Wolf Hill deliver?

    Yes, we deliver!

    Please note we can only deliver one bulk product at a time. If you would like to order more than one product, please make separate orders for them or contact us directly. Thank you for understanding!

    Can you deliver bulk materials and plant materials in one order?

    It depends on the type and amount of each material. If you are looking to order multiple materials/items it would be best to contact our customer service line directly.

    We are happy to help you get exactly what you need, please contact us.

    Can you dump bulk materials/firewood ½ at my neighbor’s house and ½ at mine?

    No, we cannot dump in multiple dump spots.

    Will you drag-dump the stone in my driveway?

    Yes! As long as it is safe to do so. What we do is back up to the back of your driveway (furthest from the road) and start dumping the stone as we pull the truck forward toward the road. As long as there are no overhead wires, tree limbs, or obstacles, and we are on flat, solid ground, this shouldn't be a problem for our driver. We DO NOT smooth it out by hand afterward.

    Thanks for Shopping at Wolf Hill